How to Get Longer Eyelashes
Eyelashes and health Eyelashes protect the eyes from light debris. They also act like sensors that warn the eyes of potential danger when objects come close. Sparse or thin eyelashes fall under a condition called eyelash hypotrichosis. People with hair loss, called alopecia, sometimes experience the thinning of eyelashes. If you’re trying to get longer and thicker eyelashes, there are several home treatments you can use. Be cautious with these unproven remedies A quick web search for “how to grow eyelashes” will yield a long list of home remedies. However, none of these remedies are scientifically proven, and in some cases they could even damage your eyes. Some common home remedies not scientifically proven to lengthen eyelashes include: Petroleum jelly: At least three days a week apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the eyelashes before bed and wash it off in the morning. Green tea: Apply cool, unsweetened gr...